The 3.10%* MYGA Interest Rate Special is Back!

The Interest Rate Special from Fidelity & Guaranty Life is Around the Corner

Fidelity & Guaranty Life Insurance Company Logo
 3.10% Coming Soon
The Interest Rate Special from Fidelity & Guaranty Life is Around the Corner

The 3.10% Interest Rate Special on FG Guarantee-Platinum® 5 Starts on November 28, 2016

For a limited time, Fidelity & Guaranty Life’s FG Guarantee-Platinum single premium fixed deferred annuity with a five-year guarantee period will increase to 3.10%* – initial guarantee period.

Due to recent state regulation requirements, this special will not be available in CA or NJ.

Please see below for details. You can also visit the MYGA Wiki or contact us directly at 888-661-1999 with any additional questions.



*This initial interest rate is effective for new annuities issued as of November 28, 2016, for the first five contract years only. Thereafter, the company may declare at its sole discretion a new rate which could be lower. This initial rate is also subject to change at any time in the company’s sole discretion for new contracts. There is a 30 day window at the end of each five year guarantee period where your client may withdraw all or part of the annuity value without application of surrender charges or market value adjustment. A new guarantee period and surrender charge period will begin after the end of the previous ones.

For Producer Use Only – Not For Use in Solicitation to Consumers

Form Number: FGL SPDA-MY-F-C (6-04), FGL SPDA-MY-F (07-04); ICC14-1095 (06-14) et al. Form number and availability may vary by state.

Fidelity & Guaranty Life is the marketing name for Fidelity & Guaranty Life Insurance Company issuing insurance in the United States outside of New York. Contracts issued by Fidelity & Guaranty Life Insurance Company, Des Moines, IA.